What's new on the FAPDA policy database
New FAO web app: FAO Country Policy Profiles (CPPs)
The FAO Country Policy Profiles (CPPs) are innovative web-based semi-automated products that deliver policy intelligence at country level for more than 170 countries and territories, facilitate country-specific analyses, for a better diagnosis of issues that perpetuate gaps and barriers to progress. The CPPs retrieve info on policy environment from the FAO Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) database; then juxtapose this with relevant country-level multisectoral long-term data trends obtained from other databases, which generate automatized text; then, analyze all of it with overall national realities and specific context to connect the dots, which usually represent difficult political economy challenges to solving trade-offs.
Latest publications
Policy responses to COVID-19 crisis in Near East and North Africa – keeping food and agricultural systems alive
This report does an extensive review and analysis of policy decisions made by 19 governments in the Near East and North Africa region in response to the COVID-19 crisis, from March 2020 to May 2020. The broad range of policy decisions were reviewed based on the FAPDA database, complemented by information on disruptions of food and agriculture systems and related policy responses provided by regional and country offices.
Social assistance and productive support policies implementation in rural areas
This study contributes to filling these gaps by documenting and analysing recent trends in social assistance programme implementation at global and regional levels, and identifying the programmes that are fully or partially designed to focus on rural areas.